Mentor Training: Next Training February 11th 6pm-8:30pm at Straight Street.

Purpose: To seek to understand and appreciate those we will be mentoring, and to receive practical information in order to assist students in reaching their God-given potential. 

Are you willing to establish a relationship with a student on a weekly basis, spending 1-3 hours with them?

Do you have a heart for those who need a positive role model in their lives? Are you at least age 21?

Are you concerned about the young people in our area, and willing to assist in a preventive way, those who are searching in wrong directions?

We will match Mentors with children who are between the ages of 10-17. Many of the children have an incarcerated parent (part of the Angel Tree Prison Fellowship Ministry.” Straight Street partners with CAYM (Christian Association of Youth Mentors) to provide training.



RSVP to Jeri Harris at 540-206-7349 or 540-342-4971 or email jeri@straightstreet. or for more info.